Fort Xtreme
Fort Xtreme
Paintball & Airsoft Field
near Springfield & hartford
Fort Xtreme
Fort Xtreme is the newest addition to our field near Springfield. It is a 120 x 120 foot fort that offers 4- 12 foot towers, a center 16 foot tower, and 8 foot walls. The field is used on large regular play days and for our big Attack The Fort game in September! If you’re looking for an extremely fun Paintball or Airsoft field near Springfield, our Fort Xtreme field is for you!

the action never stops
on the Fort Xtreme field!
Our paintball & airsoft fields
We have seven different fields near Springfield to keep your Paintball and Airsoft play exciting! We often use the entire woodsball field for big games and special events, combining multiple fields for an exhilarating experience.
We have a netted viewing area for parents, friends, and family to come down and watch the games without having to wear full face paintball masks.